

Last night I went up to Vandy and spent the night with Weg and his buds. It was rather fun. I learned a new game called "Never have I ever" amd its modified version "Ever have I ever." The rules of the game are someone says something they have never done in hopes that someone else has done it. Should this occur the person that has done it loses a point. You get 5 points to start off the game, last kid with points still remaining wins. Due to the fact that I have never had sex in a car...6 times...or done any other uhh sex, makeout related thing I easily kept all my points. Ok, so I did lose one point when a kid said that he had never skipped a basketball pratice before. So I skipped this one time back in middle school...who cares:-)

Do you know what college life revolves around? Answer: Sex. Yup, thats all they talk about. Aparently thats all they do too. Of the around ten or eleven of us present last night four had sex the night before (I don't know why they felt the need to share this information with us). Oh and of the ten kids only three of us had not had some sort of makeout session the night before. Me, Brian, and this other wierdo kid, were the only innocent ones in the room. I'll have you know that being innocent sure keeps things nice and simple too. Lots O'these kids had some major relationship issues going on thanks to their umm over active hormones.

I don't know what time I went to bed last night, but I'm sure I got under or around three hours of sleep. I ended up having to wake up at 6:45 because Brian was my ride home and he had to run the scoreboard at the Y that morning. I got home, said good morning to my dad, and went straight to bed. I don't really remember much except that the next thing I saw was the clock and it said 12:45 so I know I had a nice snooze. For some reason though I have felt tired all day. Ah well, I should get plenty of sleep tonight seeing as how I don't plan on going to bed at around 3 in the morning.

I am tired of typing...its getting to be rather late and there is no one to talk to online and I am bored again and I seem to get bored easily and I think I have a need to pick up every old book I find just so I can browse through them real fast...although apparently not fast enough to keep up with the clean up process...


10:11 p.m.
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