

Some kids who frequently update...haven't updated in a long time. Others who haven't updated for thousands of days...suddenly come back. I guess its all just one big cycle. We all come and go, back and forth, never truly at rest.

Today I did all sorts of stuff. I enjoyed the snow, I went over to a friends and played some games on his PS2, I went over to Jacob Green's and played D&D with him, Evan Fawkes, Mike Burger and Andrew Bryant, and finally I came back home and just relaxed. I have a bunch of programming homework that I have to do, but ever since programming stopped being a piece of cake I just feel less and less motivated to do the work. Especially since I really don't think I am gonna be a computer programmer when I grow up. They spend way to much time being anti-social for my liking.

Speaking of what I don't wanna be when I grow about what I DO wanna be when I grow up. You know what would be the COOLEST job ever? A professional motivator! Or the study of motivation and how to get people to do things. That subject has always interested me. In fact at my interview for Mountain TOP they said that my references all agreed that I was an excellent speaker and motivator. I wonder if there is such thing as a career in motivation? That would be cool if there wasn't because then I could be the founder and pioneer in the field.

Got any questions or ideas or whatever about my a note, I'll be sure to try my best to answer or if your idea is cool I'll try to implement it :) I always thought it would be cool if this dland thing were truly interactive.

Wait whats that? No school?! Oh ok, I guess I'll just have to enjoy another four day weekend. Dang, I hate it when this happens ;)


9:44 p.m.
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