
Math Sucks

Hello all. Now is an interesting time. People are agin coming and takling to me after what felt like a nice and well needed break. I dunno, its good and bad I guess, but the other day someone told me..."Jason, you don't have to solve every person's problms that comes to you." Geez I feel stupid. I really really do. I feel like a huge moron. Duh Jason! Why would you need to figure everyone elses problems out. Thank you for saying that. I really really needed that nice little slap back to reality. In all seriousness, thank you.

I am filled with so many emotions. Sometimes I dunno if I can handle them. Some of them I'm sure you all can see, but others I just keep bottled up inside. Hmm, some say thats not good? Oh well. I guess if someone really really cared I would share, but no one wants to hear. I guess maybe its one of those things I just gotta figure out how to handle myself. Hmm I dunno. Maybe I just feel uptight and sealed up because its band season and I don't have time to think. If I blink I seem to have missed something.

There are some days when band is just plain old not fun at all. Today started off really rough. It ended alright, but man was that first half hour or so just painful.

Does anyone out there know Calculus AP stuff. I need help. I am watching myself slowly slip in that class. Most people think I am smart so they don't offer help and instead come to me for help. Well news flash to all you kids. I sometimes suck at math! The last time I really sucked was Geometry and it seems this year may be leading up to another year of suck. Someone please help me!

I used to think of this as my strong subject. That was last year.


6:19 p.m.
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