
Home Depot

Everyday I try to look for the positive. Ok, so lately that has been SUPER hard, but today I found my positive after school. To be more specific I found my happiness at the haircut place. Yup, I was at the haircut place. So here is how the story goes......I was sitting in the little chair that goes up and down where they cut your hair when one of the "stylists" walked in. I had seen her sitting on the bench having a good smoke so I figured she was just coming in to resume her haircutting. Actually I was mistaken, she was coming in to proclaim to all her fellow co-workers that she had just returned from shopping and had found stamps. Yes, stamps. Aparently they are hard to find in Brentwood?! Anyway, I guess she had decided to smoke after she came back then come in. She must have been working on her entrance while she smoked, because when she walked in it looked like she had rehearsed it a million times before. After her little entrance she was bombarded with questions about how and where she found the stamps. She proceeded to explain that she had found them at Home Depot. Home Depot?, I thought to myself. Home Depot?, my "stylist" shouted. Yes, Home Depot she exclaimed. But but how, when? When did they start selling stamps at home depot. Had I missed an aisle? Were they turning into the next Wal-Mart. Soon there will be groceries at Home Depot. Then the lady proudly claimed that she had bought this nice little ink cartridge there too. Now I was lost! Not only did I not know that they sold stamps at Home Depot, but I seemed to have not known of the existence of a computer aisle too. How could I miss a whole aisle?!?! This was too wierd, so in the only way I knew possible I began to interogate her. I began with questions like where in the store did she find these and why did she think to go to Home Depot for them. After about 15 min passed and lots of drilling I had come to the conclusion that she must be wrong. Some how she had forgotten what store she had just gone shopping at. After hinting to her that I thought she may be wrong with her store name she began to think. Hmm she thought. I am almost positive it was the home depot. No I said, that is near impossible. Then a light bulb went off in the womans head. Actually ya, it was office depot now that I think about it. Thank god praise the lord. I knew I wasn't dreaming. There really was no computer aisle at home depot. All the store people began to laugh quite hard. Needless to say the "stylist" was a bit embarassed. Especially after having done a huge grand entrance to proclaim how great "home depot" was. Ahhh I laughed quite hard myself.


8:06 p.m.
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