
School Supplies

I FINALLY GOT MY SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Wow that took a little longer than expected but oh well.

So today on my way to seventh period Rachel gives me a puzzle to solve, here's how it goes. You have a 4 by 4 square. On each square is a number between one and sixteen including both one and sixteen. Each number can only be used once, hence the 4 by 4 square. The catch is that every row column and diagonal must add up 34. So here is what I have...

16 8 9 1

3 14 2 15

4 5 13 12

11 7 10 6

I think all the columns and rows add up right but the diagonals do not. I think I am going to write a program to solve this one for me. Cowart I give you a challenge for programming. Have fun!

SO ya, what else is up in the world besides math stuff. Hmm did I mention I got school supplies today. Wow that makes me so happy! The simple fact I drove my butt over there is such an accomplishment. Really it is. It was the one thing I was hard at work procrastinating on, but I overcame myself in a hard fought victory.

Some people are always happy. Some people are always sad. Some people just seem to not be able to remain steady. To them I offer an organizer.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my wayyyyyyy. Its gonna be a briight, briight, bright and sunshiny dayyy!...I like gustar a lot! (How is that for confusing you confusing people you!)

Yes thats right, Have you donated??


8:38 p.m.
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