
Caroline the drum major

My friends are all sooo cool! Yes even you Cowart! hahaha Life is so much better when you have friends to share it with (just my personal opinion).

Anyway, band is coming along so well now that Box is back. I know it is twisted but there is something about him yelling at us that just makes me feel great. I felt so lousy when Box wasn't screaming in our faces. :-)

Hectic is an understatement! School is really getting tough, fast! The worst part is that I am still living out of one folder for all my subjects. I haven't built up the energy to go face Office Depot and buy school supplies. I keep telling myself I will do it the next day. Then of course that next day rolls around and I just say no...there's always tomorrow.

Except for a few little things that I can't control I would say that life is going smoother than expected right about now. Everything is pretty stable and predictable, which during band season is really really nice. Now during the off season I would have to say I like a good surprise. For instance surprises on birthdays are really cool. In fact I have never had a surprise birthday party. On the note of birthdays...Margaret I hope you have a great week since your birthday is coming up! And I hope you get a cellphone cause that would just be really cool. (Yes kids I started a sentence with for you grammar nerds out there I apologize :)

For Rachel and all others who may have been confused about my greater than less than thingy after my name...its a fish! I heard that those people who didn't figure that out really fast were two things...One they were math geniouses because all they saw were greater and less than signs...and Two I heard they are the coolest people in the world. Hmm, now how many of you didn't see it at first? ;)

So here is todays little picture. This one is something that I can only dream about. Ok so I'll be honest...I really wanna see Caroline conduct like this and I really wanna march like them.

Caroline being the coolest drum major ever!


6:19 p.m.
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