
A hole?

I am stuck Cowart! I refuse to give up though. And Rachel don't give me any help! ;)

So, I know more than I would like too. I am about to burst. I might leak soon if I learn anymore. Hmm and leaking would be bad with all the stuff I know. Can you imagine how many people would have to go into hiding if I just exploded and told everything I knew! Geez I can think of soo many. How sad. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to keep using duck tape and hope that it holds.

Scott...Scott...why must you refuse to count. Why must you speak that other language you call Scottish. How many people march hips back anyway. Oh wait, you mean march backwards?!?!?! For Pete sakes man! Get it right!

El President! El President! El President! Would you mind bringing your horn up with the rest of the band...They say that admitting the problem is winning half the battle. So I am going to come out and just admit it. I talk toooooooo much!!! I am sorry Mr. Box, but there is just too much to say!

Some things in life are special. Some things in life are special and just keep getting better!

Vague. I am sorry but is vague all that bad. Think about it. When I write vague up here then you the reader must evaluate yourself and try to find out where you belong or if I am talking about you. Hehe I find that kind of fun. Screwing with your emotions and all and making you evaluate yourself. Evil Evil some say.

I crack myself up sometimes. No really I could just be sitting in the middle of class and think of something funny and just start cracking up. In which case I would have to thank god for giving me a silent laugh. Otherwise I would get in trouble a lot for disturbing class!

The other day, well ok it was a while ago, but I was reading this bottle and one of its gaurantees was..."for less than the more expensive brands." So that is why I started laughing uncontrolably in Spanish today, cause I remembered the bottle.

Hmm I wonder how long I can make this post.

Hey I have an idea...Lets play the one question game. Wait no, I don't want too. That seems a bit too risky right now. Oh wait, is that cause I know too much!!!!!

Sorry, so maybe I need a vacation. Yes thats it. I will party all Friday and all Saturday night. Hmm I wonder if I can find something non-school related to do on Sunday. That would be so nice. Then Monday, I am going to do something fun. Yeah thats right, you heard it right here...FUN! Well so you didn't hear it you read it. But who cares except you over analytical kids like my brother!

A kid told me this would never guess who...if you wanna know ask me..."just because you can do something dosent mean you should"

Todays picture of the day is soo cool. I am quite proud of this one...not because I took it myself but because of what it is. Look at it and try to guess. I must say I find it quite hysterically funny!

Hmmmmmmmm. I would hate to be swimming and accidentally.....

Love all you guys! See ya later!


8:53 p.m.
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