
Super Glue

I feel a bit better from last nights post. Still though, I am not myself. I still feel tired and emotionally drained. I think maybe I overextended myself. I did to much for too many.

Today I took a nap and when I woke I had the most encouraging e-mail ever in my inbox. Some people can just relate to one another and make the other feel better.

My dad and I went out to Home Depot and bought the superest of super glue there was and went around to each of the cars and fixed anything that needed fixing. Well, I take that back. There was one thing that I couldn't bare fix. That would be the mirror in my car that comes down on the passenger side. That poor mirror just wouldn't seem right if I actually glued it back in. :-)

Besides fixing the car and napping I have done absolutely nothing. Which did kinda add to my lonliness. Uhh I dunno whats wrong. I feel so empty. Sometimes you just need that shoulder to lean on. Thanks again for the e-mail. It really meant alot.


4:22 p.m.
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