
Soup Nazi

I don't have much time, my mom is yelling at me to get off the computer so she can do some accounting stuff. The sad part is I won't actually be leaving the computer because I will have to stay and practically do all the work for her.

I want to tell you about my day yesterday, but there just isn't enough time. Basically I went and watched McGavocks practice. It was way cool. At first I felt outta place, but then I felt welcomed and like a friend. It was really cool, no really it was cool, really really cool.

Today I played the squiggle game and lost. Well, a few people had me consistently in first. At least some judges believe in me! Good god, I couldn't even draw a good squiggle. It's a squiggle for crying out loud...there is no RIGHT way! :-p Ya thats right...I stick my tounge at you and make funny spit thingy noises :-p

Everyone should do there homework. This week I learned that actually doing and finishing your homework makes life a whole lot hectic! Most kids figure this out early in life...I have to keep learning.

I haven't had a picture up in a while...well thats cause time hasn't permitted, and guess is just like all the others soooo no picure for a soup nazi kind of way.



9:58 p.m.
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