

Today I did nothing for no one. Ok not true, but I do wonder what would happen if I just caved in on myself and did nothing. What if I quit starting conversations and quit everything. I just sat around and went with the crowd and did everything everyone else did. Hmm, that would be quite the interesting experiment. Today I quite honestly didn't feel like talking to anyone. Every time I opened my mouth and said something I would wished that I had never opened my mouth because I sounded so stupid and dumb. I seriously did. It was insane how many STUPID conversations I had today. Just meaningless crap that was a waste of time. In fact I think today was just a waste of my time. Can't wait for tomorrow!

There is a certain someone who is slowly killing me. Every time I am around them they make me feel so uncomfortable. I give them rides to places and just them being in the car makes me squirm. The worst is when I get the feeling that this person is hitting on me or flirting or something. Yuck, no, stop it! I know where my heart is and it certainly isn't with you. Never will be just get over yourself and your problems and GO AWAY!

Ahh that felt so great. No, you aren't this person. I know so because she doesn't read this thing. :-)

Happy trails everyone.


5:05 p.m.
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