

I had the coolest day today. After band Amy taught me how to do my Calculus homework and Rachel showed up at the library! It was soo cool and random!

I now feel like the master of the universe when it comes to Calculus. I can do no wrong. Well, until I work my next problem.

I don't really wanna say much on here tonight except yay. Today was so great. I had Mr. Adams for two whole freakin hours and it was soo awesome. Mrs. Bayrd came in for the last twenty minutes and re-told us the meat packing story (for all you U.S. APers just wait till the end of the year. Its a greeeeeat story!). Being a senior has so many perks. Oh and by the way, this Wednesday is a flex!!!! Holy Freakin Cow this could be a great week. Hey if you aren't smiling why not!

:-) :-)

:-) Jason<>< :-)

:-) :-)

9:39 p.m.
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