
First Priority

Many a time I have gone to Christian oriented activities. I go to quite a few at my church and I go to quite a few at other churches throughout the year. Not once, though, had I ever gone to First Priority. May I highly recommend, on one condidtion. The speaker is not as extreme as the one that spoke tonight. Let me just say that he really ticked me off.

Sit back and get ready for a ride into Jason's view on religion and philosiphy...this could get rough! Tonight I agreed with the speaker up until one point, and then I quickly jumped off his little train ride. He was talking about how we all live behind a mask. How everyone thinks everyone else is always happy, yet they never think they are as happy as everyone else. Make Sense? It did to me and I completely agree. Now I personally don't feel that way, but I see how many people percieve life in that fashion. He also said that you shouldn't live life and just go through the motions. You should actually go out and do something with your life and live it to the end. I agree with that a bunch. In fact one of my previous entries was about that. So, I was feeling good about myself. Thinking that according to this guy I was doing it right. Well, about halfway or a fourth of the way through he went off on a limb and said Mormons and non-christ believing people are going straight to hell no questions asked. Wham! I have a problem, I have a big problem with that. Am I supposed to believe that! That non-christ beleiving people are going to hell! What do those people think about me? Are they saying that I am going to hell? That sucks if they are. Cause then we have a problem. Everyone is saying that everyone that doesn't believe what they believe is going to hell. Great. So now I have to hope that of the thousands of religions I actually picked the correct one and am going to heaven. Hmmm, how bout not. If thats the case then I have a one in one million or however many religions there are chance that I am going to heaven. Thats sad. Thats scary. So all the Jewish kids are going to hell, because they chose a religion different from mine. Lets have an open mind here folks. In the end when you look at all the religions we all seem to believe in this one god. Coincidence? I think not. Hmmm, so then this guy goes off and talks about how islam is to blame for the world trade center terrorism. Ohhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaa, I believe that! HAH! That ticks me off. That pisses me off. The fact that he can have such a narrow mind to think that! Then he goes off to say that gays are going to hell. Oh yaaaaaaa. Whatever happened to god created each of us. Or no wait. Did he create each one of us and then that individual person choose to be gay. Ok, so then you are telling me that a gay person chose to be gay. They chose to live there life in the face of hate. They chose to live many days in fear. They chose to live there life being looked upon as inferior by many. I THINK NOT! No one would dare choose to live there life that way. That is why it is a scientific fact that they have a chemical inbalance in their brain. So if each person was created equally in the face of god. Then god according to this man decided, before this person even got the chance to live, that they were going to hell. OMG! I refuse to believe or acknokledge anything of the sort.

I could go on and freaking on about how much I disagreed with this man, but I don't feel like typing anymore and I have to go to bed soon. Any questions? Wanna challenge me and try to convince me that I am wrong. I would gladly, gladly talk to ya. I am always looking to expand my horizons and view things from new perspectives. Unlike this man.

Don't let me discourage you from First Priority. It was a blast and I would highly recommend, as long as all the speakers aren't like him.


8:54 p.m.
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