
Chicken In Rain

{Takes Deep Breath} Ahhhhhhh. I love a good downpour. Today I reffed three soccer games. The first two were the sames teams playing each other twice. It would have been nice if the two teams were evenly matched, but uhh they weren't. The first game was like seven or eight or ten to nothing. The second game was six to one. Both games won by the same team. In fact I think one of the girls on the winning team was Rachel's neighbor. Dang was she good! Pulling moves and all sorts of stuff. Way better than I was at her age.

After soccer I came home and took a shower and headed off to a staff party. Yup, the YMCA wanted to thank us for running the snack shack...I would prefer to call it a "Thanks for not killing some of the annoying retarded emplyees" party! The food was good so that was a plus. The best bestest part of the uhh party was when it got dark as night and started pouring!!! Oh my gosh it felt so good! I love a good rain. What was cool was that we were outside in that little pavilion where the snack shack is so it was like being out in the rain without the getting wet part. It was just this constant mist from the huge raindrops. Mist Mist Mist. Thats a cool word.

Ok, Mr. Tanner! Have some fun! I think Scott needs a girl. Maybe then he wouldn't be so freakin anal twenty four seven three sixty five!

Well I had a good day. Made forty bucks for reffing three games and ate chicken in the middle of a giant cooling rain storm! I love looking at the good things.

So yaaaaaa these were our uhh waiters tonight. Yaaaa


7:53 p.m.
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