
Cheese Curl

I had an awesome day! Well, except for the time when the batteries died to my digital camera. Besides that today was just pure awesome. Tomorrow will be so totally awesome too. Can we say EASY classes!

May I commend Shelby for giving me another perspective on gays. I still have a hard time believing though that someone would "choose" to put themself into the hell that homosexuality comes with.

I can't believe the batteries in my digital camera died. That makes me so sad. So much I missed cause of some dead batteries. How can four batteries mean so much to me!

I don't know what else I want to put up here. Hmmm. How about a really cool picture. Oooh ya that sounds like fun. So todays picture was taken by me only moments before the painful death of my batteries.

I present the amazing cheese curl banner!


8:43 p.m.
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