

I have a goal. I want to take no exams next semester. Its very possible since I won't have a Calc or Government exam since they are both AP. My other classes I will jsut need to focus and not screw around. MUST BE EXEMPT BECAUSE EXAMS SUCK!!!

Ok, with that out of my system I really have nothing to talk about. I took my Spanish exam today and I felt really good about it. I thought that I was in the running for an A. Well, I got an 86. I was a bit disappointed, but in comparison to other grades I have gotten in that class I guess I should be rather excited.

I met the coolest girl today in my Spanish class. She went to youth leadership brentwood with me, but I never really talked to her. Today though she came up to me and just started talking. Turns out she gets about the same grades as I do and has the same philosiphy about school that I do. She was really cool, very proud of herself for NOT being in the top ten percent. Its not the grade that makes you great! YIPPEEEEE

I honestly can't think of much else to say. I am bored and can think of nothing to say. I have Jazz band tonight. That means I might get to go to fat moes at like 10 tonight. Yay!


3:23 p.m.
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