
Only you can make your life beautiful

Get comfortable and open your mind. Use your imagination and try to see what I type.

Imagine a small room. The floor is hardwood with a slightly dark tint. The ceiling lights are dimmed down really low and there is a single light shining next to a desk in the corner. At the desk their is a boy typing at a computer wondering about the heavens above and everything in between. Imagine that you are in the room and you walk over to the kid and lean over his shoulder to get a peak at what he types...

12-14-02 I have begun to notice that my house seems a whole lot quieter than most homes. Most people probably never took time to notice that nice little hum noise that the refrigerator makes. In most homes you can hear children constantly running around, mine on the other hand is perfectly still. Right now the only thing I can hear are my own fingers typing away on the keyboard. Nothing moves. No one is around. It is only myself alone in a room with a single light on next to the computer at 11 o'clock at night. It is pitch black outside except for the few rays of light coming from the moon and giving a slight glow to the grass. Now is one of those times that it is great to sit back and think. To look out and wonder, to see what few people take time to see. When its quiet like this I forget about the daily grind. Everything goes away. The only things I can see are myself and the future. Everything looks so bright ahead of me when the present is so beautiful. Its right about now that life reminds me of a morning sunrise when the sky is filled with the most amazing hues of red and orange.

You turn away from the boy and look out a window that sits right next to the desk. It is dark outside, yet you get a warm feeling, for the grass really is lit up by that perfectly round full moon that is just peaking from behind the clouds.

You look back at the desk and the boy has quietly left the room. You look at the monitor and notice that he has said his goodbyes and given his goodnights. The boy has tucked himself into bed and only begun to dream a nights full of dreams. If you could see what he saw it would be the splashes of bright colors mixing, giving light to an image. The colors form the ingredients for the recipe that he will eventually call, his life.

As if right on cue you turned away from the monitor and gave a hint of a smile. You go off and dream your own dreams. What do you see?

Jason <><

11:08 p.m.
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