
Brassboy and COC

Do I "like" the girl in my Spanish class...hahahaha...nooooooo. That was a dumb question. Sheesh

So I am at home doing just about, nothing. I read Evan's DLand entry and it just blew me away. I give it like four thumbs up. All that brain stuff was soooo cool. I wish I knew stuff like that.

Today I am going to spend most of my time studying for that subject that I suck most at...Calculus. Everyone says it will be easy, may you be 100% right. What I would give for an A on my Calculus exam!

Nothing interesting in the future. It looks like its going to be quite a boring and bland week. Actually, brassboy said he is getting the COC video sometime this week so that makes me super super super happy! Stay tuned for the results from this one, its sure to start world war III on that stupid board! I can't wait!!!!!!!!

Have a lovely rest of the day...


12:24 p.m.
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