
Evan and Jason Speak

Today I am proud to present to all of you...especially those of you who give me tops to coke cans that represent the letter "F" guest typer and most wonderous buddy...Evan "I say Fox" Fawkes. So here he is...type it away baby.

Ah..... Oh man.... First off, I have to say that the mouse on Cori's computer was handed down from Satan himself... That's right... The big "S"... So, today I'm gonna go off and tell you boys and girls about a little thing that we here in the South call "Sunburn"... That's right. I guarantee that if you don't wear sunscreen into six hour rehearsals outside, I just have to say that you'll wind up like me... A lobster boy. Anyways. So we're at Cori's house, and I'm not quite sure where everyone else is, or if indeed we're even supposed to still be here. Maybe Cori thinks everyone left... Maybe we did leave. Maybe we did...

Toast is a funny thing... Just when you think ya know how to fix it... You don't. Every toaster is different, but the general rule of thumb is that they all suck. Just... Suck. I promise you that you'll never find a worthwhile toaster, it's just the way it is. That's sorta how life is. There's just not a working toaster anywhere, take that as you will... We now go back live to Jason Ford, who has some interesting things to tell you about our friends, the tree shrews... Jason?

I feel so honored to have been in the presence of such greatness. Wow. Words have escaped me. Evan - "You just don't wanna talk about tree shrews" Ok you got me. I will now speak of such things. One time there lived a little boy who went by the name of Lump. Lump was a good boy who grew up to have many a morals. Sadly though he partook in a game. This game was called Big Booty. Actually no it was called Mafia, but then someone changed its name to Big Booty and then someone changed it to Witches, Priests, and Angels. So anyway, Lump was partooking in the game when he was crushed. His rib snapped and his lung was punctured. He was rushed to a hospital where he was deemed "Safe". He was then sent home. While at home recovering from his lung puncture, a tree shrew came and ate him. The End.

Wow, that was wow. Wow. I wonder if I can find a picture of a tree shrew. Sadly I can't do that at Cori's house so maybe when I get home I can find one a post it. Yay that would be so cool. Ok that is all from me.

Ya that's pretty much all for me


Jason<>< and Evan "The Fox" Fawkes

10:21 p.m.
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