
Gonna be alright.

Some things in life are special. Some things in life are special and just keep getting better!

It is 1 o'clock in the morning and I just got back from what I would rank as one of the top ten most fun football games ever. For me at least. Then to top things off, on the way home on the last street I slowed down. Yup...I slowed down cause I got this feeling that some animal might be up ahead. Sure enough up ahead just after I thought that there was a family of deer. Mom, Dad, and two kids. I love deer. Especially late at night when everything is so calm and I am numb to the world. It's just that little extra that puts a huge smile on my face and I think to myself "Everythings gonna be alright".

Goodnight. Sleep Tight. For Everything is gonna be alright.


12:53 a.m.
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