

The people at my church think that I am going to be the CEO of some major corporation and bring in the big bucks some day. They think this because "they say" that I am an excellent leader and an excellent speaker. The catch is, since they think all this they find it their duty to give me all the jobs possible relating to speaking and leading. Thanks!

Today I spent my entire free Wednesday going around to buisness inquiring if they would like to make a donation to a silent auction my chruch is having. This is no easy task let me assure you. I have to go in there and ask some complete stranger for the manager and then I have to give the manager some big speel I have come up with myself as to why they should donate. Then three fourths of the time I have to face the wrath of the manager rejecting me. Yeah thats always a lot of fun?!

I need to go do my Spanish homework...besides that I need to seperate myself from the computer. I feel like I have been on the thing all night!


P.S. Here is the most random off topic picture ever. This is actually a scan of my most prized English possesion. I wrote it myself and had it published in some national poetry book.

8:52 p.m.
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