
20 and 1 Day Now

For my birthday I was blessed with an amazingly beautiful day. It was actually half warm and hit near 40! The skies were clear for as far as the eye could see and I just had to enjoy it.

Today attempted to start at 10:30 when my phone rang. I figure it was someone from the front office calling me about a crisis, but I would have none of was my birthday dangit! :) So I let the phone ring, rolled over, and fell right back to sleep. By 11:45 I was ready to begin being 20 years old. I rolled out of bed and dove into the two packages I had received in the mail. I got two super awesome framed pictures. The first picture was from my Grandma and it was of Myrtle Beach. The whole family on my moms side used to go down every year for the first 15 years of my life. Then after that 15th year dad said he was done going to the beach and so instead we went to the Grand Canyon. More story than you wanted to hear I am sure. :)

Then the second picture was of Dad, Eric, and I riding in the Gondola on the way up the mountain this past Martin Luther King Day weekend at The Canyons, Salt Lake City. *Sigh* Good times, Good times. If only I could go back more than once every two years. Oh oh! I also got four boxes of girl scout cookies from Mom! Dude, how great is that!! I also got the DVD Ray which should be cool.

Alright, so after opening gifts I then took all the bubble wrap the pictures came in and popped each individual bubble. That was way too much fun. :p Afterwards I opened up the blinds on my window and peered outside to see just what a beautiful day it was like I previously mentioned. I just had to enjoy the day, so I hopped on my bike, ran some errands, and then just went exploring. I rode all the way out to the airport, and Krannert, and finally Purdue West before coming back home. It was a good solid 3 hour bike ride.

Ok, so after the bike ride I figured I had earned a break so I went down to Greg and Kyle's room to see what was up. Well Kyle's birthday was the 23rd so he had just got some new maybe FIFA Street Soccer for XBOX. Yeah, definitely got sucked into that for WAY to long. =) Then I went and played basketball for an hour and then WallyBall for another 2 hours after that. I hate it when I suck at a sport because I get so competitive and mad. The sport I suck at is basketball by the way. I am actually half decent at WallyBall. For those of you who are going "WallyBal...what the crap is that?" Well, its vollyball inside of a raquetball court. If you lived somewhere that it was as cold as your freezer half the year then you would play WallyBall too. :)

After the sports action it was then off to WalMart for some soap (I was nearly out...things were beginning to look bad if I didn't make it to WalMart soon!) and random snack foods that caught my eye. Freakin WalMart doesn't sell non-carbonated drinks in a can. I hate WalMart. The End.

Then it was time for some Battle For Middle Earth and once that was over I noticed that indeed my special day had come to an end...I was now 20 and 1 day.

So did I have a great birthday, you bet I did! I got quality alone time and quality friend time. What more could one ask for?!


P.S. If anyone knows how to stream WayFM through FireFox it would be much appreciated. They just changed their stream format and I now have to use dreaded IE to get it open. :( By the way, IE ranks right on up there with WalMart.

2:13 a.m.
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