
Less is More

I might as well do an entry here before I head off to bed. I have been studying for the last hour for an exam in communication theory tomorrow. Err, yay.

So lets see, there is a dance on Saturday which should be lots of fun. For the first two hours we have hired a swing band and for the last two hours we have hired a live dj. :p I like saying live dj...I mean he isn't recorded, so technically he is live. I am working the first two hours sadly so it doesn't look like I will be able to catch any swing dancing. Which is really too bad because I think I remember how to swing dance.

On Sunday Mountain TOP called and confirmed that they wanted to hire me for the summer so that is really great news. Now I have to come up with a huge number of donations to help pay my salary. Nothing like a good challenge, eh?

Terri and Abby surprised me with a giant cake on Sunday for my 20th and 1 day birthday. It was really really awesome. I didn't have a clue that they were coming. Mad props to them for being so awesomely cool! ...And in case you didn't catch, Abby was there. I think thats more surprising than the surprise of them showing up at my door. *Shrugs and smiles*

Well, its gonna be an early one tomorrow, so goodnight all! Have a super awesome of a greatness kind of day! :p


11:03 p.m.
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