
Bonus Points to the DLand


*Does a little dance*

Here come 500 more! :p

In all actuality I hit 500 entries 2 entries ago, but that is beside the point. Today appeared rather daunting, but once I got into it things got easier. All those projects and all the homework slowly stopped feeling daunting and started feeling possible.

*Knock on wood* None of the students here at Purdue are getting sick, but all the full time staff is. The main full time office worker is out for the rest of the week and her assistant is out on Friday. That added a HUGE kink to my day that I really wasn't ready for. I am slowly getting all the shifts covered and making sure the office will still function this week. I know in the end everything will be alright. Its just getting to the end that is the pain!

Tonight we had a joint meeting of the Old Exec Board and the New Exec Board. I only got one nasty comment all night so I consider it a success. See what happened was, the outgoing President said "Oh, well we can just add this to next years budget for next years exec board to deal with." Thats when I looked at him and shook my head to infer "No, you won't go adding any of your baggage to my budget next year." Once he saw me shaking my head at him he snapped at me "Don't you ever look at me that way again." Lol...I think some people have the belt on their pants just a weeee bit too tight. Or maybe they forgot to pull the stick out of there a$$. Whatever the case, my execs and I chatted after the meeting and we all agreed things are going to be MUCH different next year. For starters we WILL NOT hold meetings like they do this year. Aye Karumba, I wanted to shoot myself the entire meeting. Its no wonder nothing got done this year.

Well that is enough rambling out of me. Only 10 days left until I have to stop saying "No really, I am just a teenager."


P.S. The reason for the updateage everyday lately is because life is moving at an INCREDIBLY fast pace. My life is such a roller coaster of events right now that I want to make sure to record them. I just feel like alot of milestones are happening everyday that need to be remembered for all of time.

12:08 a.m.
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