
Try me, I dare you....chicken?

Here is what I am thinking. Leadership is broken down into two parts, Passion and Confidence. You have to have both parts to succede. If either part is missing then you are sunk. The more of each that you have the better off you will be.

If for instance you are lacking in the passion department then your constituents will see that you don't really care and they will emulate that. People will work hard for a leader that works hard for them. If a leader doesn't work hard for his constituents then the people won't work hard in return.

If the leader lacks confidence then his followers will eat him alive. They will chew him up and spit him out just to leave him there without a care. This is so harsh and so cruel, but at the same time so true. I see it all the time.

So there ya go, the first part of Jason's theory on Leadership!

What else is going on in life. I got my first taste of dissension today. I went to go get a feel for how a certain club was feeling about an idea I had and they completely ripped me apart. They told me my idea was completely unfeasable and I could never pull it off. Little did they know that when someone says "you can't do that, you will never get enough people to change." That is the moment I kick into overdrive with a burning desire to prove them wrong. Not just prove them wrong, but blow them out of the water. I not only will get people to change, but I will get all of them to do it to the point that you are the only one left standing doing it the old way. Thats what you get for telling me something isn't possible!

Whoah, time to get off the Presidential Soap box there. Life is good. I was chatting with Valerie, the President at Ball State, and we are totally going to have a swap room day. She is gonna come down to Purdue and be President here and I am gonna go to Ball State and be President up there. We aren't switching because of our clubs though, we are switching because we both hate the ratio of guys to girls at our school. What is so funny is that at Ball State everyone is an education major and she is studying Biology. At Purdue everyone is a science/engineering major and I am studying human interaction. I think we both picked the wrong school. :p Its time for a switch. I am going where there are 3 girls per guy and she can come enjoy all the millions of excess guys we have here at Purdue!

Actually in all seriousness I did talk with my advisor today and we are totally road tripping to Ball State later in the semester. We just have to pick a date. Rock on!!

Oh oh, happy Singles Awareness Day everyone! Hehehe, I actually just sorta went about my day as normal. I really didn't think of it as a holiday at all. I never have been a big fan of today anyway. I didn't feel sad today or anything. Like I said earlier, being single isn't such a bad thing. Its just a nice little transition period where you have time to get all your priorities straight before you put the blinders back on.

Well thats enough rambling out of me. I have discovered some people on Xanga and they update their little blogs about as much as I do this one so I am enjoying keeping up on their lives. Its just so much fun! You old Brentwoodians are so much fun to follow. You just never know what someone is going to do with their life. You remember bits and pieces from highschool and then when you hear what they are doing now it often just makes me go "duh, it makes sense they did that with their life." :)


11:42 p.m.
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