
White Knight is leaving the Castle..Roger we have the princess...

I just found a perk of being in a single! When I do something really retarded no one is there to see it and make fun of me for years to come. Like for instance if I were to (hypothetically of course) lean in closer to the monitor to get a closer look at what someone had typed only to have my chair flip out from under me. This results in me of course getting to spend some nice quality time with the tile of my floor. *sigh*

Today was rather cool. I had my interview with Mountain TOP. That went really well I think. I can't believe I wasn't asked what my weakness was. :) Ahh well, its good to know for the future anyway.

Today I also had some meetings. One of which I really enjoyed. I got to sit down with the outgoing president of the Residence Halls and talk with him about his job. He told me all about the political situation here on campus and what all the hot issues were. He gave me the names of all the head honchos I need to know. He told me whose hand to shake at certain functions and so on. It was really really interesting. I had no idea that all of this really existed! I didn't realize how complicated politics was. My favorite part of the meeting was when he got really serious and looked me in the eyes and said "Now Jason listen to me when I say this. You are entering an elite circle of people. You are now one of only a handful of people who control what happens on this campus. Most importantly, you are now basically the third most powerful student on campus. The PSG and PSUB president generally hold more prestige than you, but besides them you basically out rank everyone else. Take this power in stride and don't rule with a heavy fist." He then proceeded to give me the names of everyone that I should go to on campus if I need something done. What am I, a gangsta now or something?! :) I did like when he said "Jason if you have any trouble with anyone just be sure to let them know 'I represent 10,000 people, how many do you represent?...Whats that...5...ok thats what I thought, sit down and listen to what I have to say.'" Hehehehe, next year is going to be so much fun! I seriously think the old president enjoyed his power maybe a wee too much. I definitely don't think I am going to tell people to sit down and listen because I represent 9,000 more people than they do. I refuse to change who I am amidst all the political drama that will surely unveil. I lead through democratic principles and nothing can change that. I am also nice to everyone and I don't care who you are, I am never going to go all evil. Still though, its funny to think about. :p

So nice to me dangit! Out of 35,000 students I am now the 3rd most powerful! :p hehehehe *calls those gangsta phone numbers for protection* :p


P.S. Its President Ford to YOU. lol....ok ok I'll stop. hehehe

11:09 p.m.
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