

**You know, I kinda like this entry. I know its long, but I would be interested to hear other people's viewpoints on this topic. If you wouldn't mind leaving me a note it would be much appreciated. Thanks!**

Its incredible to watch how people react to stress. Last night on The Apprentice Verna did what I have only seen two other people in my entire life do and thats to just quit. To simply give up in the face of adversity is astounding to me. The fact that Trump told her he was proud of her for coming back was something I was rather shocked at. I think he said it out of concern for her well being and not out of sincerity. In my opinion there is absolutely NO reason to quit. No one is ever so alone that they can't let others know that they are sinking. A sinking ship is salvageable. A ship that explodes and sinks instantaneously without warning is just a total loss.

The two instances where I saw a person quit with NO warning were both at Mountain TOP. One girl just never came back after training and another never came back from a break we had in the middle of the summer. Seriously, why do people just give up? I don't see how that is an option. I would be so ashamed of myself if I ever did.

I think maybe the reason these people quit is because they don't realize that everyone is just showing a facade. Deep down everyone feels that same sense of exhaustion, depression, and just plain 'beat up' feeling. (These feelings apply to those EXTREMELY stressful situations in life, not schoolish type stuff) So when everyone puts up the facade to try to get everyone to think they are confident and nothing is getting to them at all, these select few don't see the facade. They actually fall for it as how the person truly feels and that is when they crack. They just mentally cave in on themselves because they feel like failures and at that point its all over. It is an incredibly incredibly sad day when someone mentally admits to themselves that they are a failure. The reason I say that it is a sad day is because they have just admitted a lie to themselves. No one is truly a failure in life. I believe in the power of positive thinking. If those people that admitted to themselves that they were failures had simply quit mentally beating themselves up and instead started thinking positively about themselves and develop some true confidence then they could have soared. I refuse to believe that anyone is a failure. Everyone has potential; its just a matter of developing confidence!

I need to qualify all of my statements here. I understand that I am by no means a professional or anywhere even close to it so take what I say with a grain of salt and just use it to possibly expand your mind. Have a great, positive, and all around up beat day. :)


1:16 a.m.
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