
Some Tumbleweed

I am back from a great week in El Paso. I am dead tired though. I stayed up to watch the ball fall in New York and then was out cold. I had to wake up at 4:45 this morning to catch my plane back to Nashville. That was rough. :)

The game didn't end as planned, but thats ok though. I still enjoyed the experience. The stadium was really cool. It is built into the side of a mountain. Literally, part of the mountain is carved out so that the stadium can fit. Its really cool.

During the pre-game show I had a close up on the jumbo-tron so that was really cool. Then during the fourth quarter I had an unexpected photo shoot. This lady comes up and just starts taking photos of me. She seriously, and this is no exageration, stood in front of me for ten solid minutes taking pictures. She wanted to catch my "every reaction" to the game. So I reacted as best I could for her. I guess I was good since she stood there for so long and then never took a picture of anyone else. :) Everyone kept asking me about why the girl kept taking pictures of me. I felt like some super star. :p She never took pictures of anyone else in the band. Aparently I was the best looking guy she could find.... (I guess she didn't look very hard, hehehehe) So if radio, weather forecasting, motivational speaking, and starting a business all fail then I guess I could do modeling. :P I swear, I happen upon the strangest things!

Just in case anyone was thinking about going to El Paso for a vacation I just want to let you know that there is nothing out there except LOTS of dry dead stuff. There are also of course those occasional tumble weeds that blow across the street. ;) Seriously, this place is just like those old western movies. Dry, dusty, and random cowboys.

More on the trip and the end of band later. Goodnight DLand and peoples who happen upon this miniscule piece of the web.


11:12 p.m.
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