
My bag dude

Its a long one folks. A story and then some thoughts on life and even relationships.


Like I said in my previous entry today. Life is indeed one giant adventure. Like for instance when some guy wouldn't give me my baggage today. I arrive in El Paso and go down to the baggage claim just in time to see some guy taking my bag off the belt. I politely tell him that the bag isn't his and he says "Well, I don't think it is yours since you don't look like a Rachel."

Sidenote: Rachel borrowed the bag when she went to Europe and, as I found out today, the tag was never changed.

So I say, "We are related. Our moms are sisters so she is my cousin and thats why we have different last names."

"Oh. Sorry. That makes sense." He then walked away from me grumbling something.

So yeah, life is an adventure. You just never know what is going to happen next. :)

-=End story mode and enter more serious mode=-

Today as I was flying over the southern united states in my quest to find El Paso I started thinking about me. My purpose in life, my future, who I was, etc. I sat in my seat staring over the endless sea of homes wondering where I fit. I wondered what each person in each house did for a living. What is their "job" in life. Thats when I realized there was an economy of jobs. There was only so many to go around. Then the big one hit me. If there is a limited supply of jobs who is to say that I will be one of the ones chosen to have one. Also, who creates these jobs? Wham! Why take up one of the limited number of jobs available when I can create them. Why not be one of the makers of jobs? Who controls the job market? The business owners of course. Screw corporate America, I've gotta start my own business in order to survive and make a splash. My final thought on this whole 'thing' was that I try to leave every person I meet with a smile on their face. I think making jobs instead of taking one is something that will really put a smile on some people's faces.

Today as I was flying over who knows what, I got in touch with my true inner self. There are a few things in life that I am rather passionate about. Two of which are technology and money. So I stopped in at the magazine store in the Nashville Airport and picked up the magazine WIRED. (Yes, it was the most overpriced magazine I have ever purchased. I cringed when I handed over $5 for the thing.) The magazine was awesome. It talked about all the latest tech toys that were out. It talked about where venture capitalists were pouring their money nowadays. It went on about a business model for getting regualr Joes into space. This magazine was me and for only $5 more I can subscribe to 12 more issues. Consider it done!

So ok, I am reading this magazine that is totally speaking my language and I get to thinking about relationships. (How does a tech and money magazine get you thinking about relationships?!) Well, I got to thinking about it because I realized that these two facets of my life that I am so passionate about have never really entered any of my relationships. Everyone makes pokes fun at me and my, err, spending habits I guess you could call it. :) And I have never known a girl to share my love of technology, except maybe Amy, but I didn't learn that about her until more recently. My point is, in my search for 'the one' should I be looking for someone who shares these traits with me or not? On one hand, I can see that it would be nice to spend life with someone who shares the same loves you do. On the other hand....who wants to live with themselves?! I would think it would be nicer to have somone who doesn't share all the same loves. That way the two of you can grow off of each other and always be learning new things. Still though, I have never met a girl who shared those same core interests that I have. Ahh well, just a thought.

So being a small business owner and who I am looking for in 'the one' were two things I thought about today, but certainly not the only things. :) Each of those two topics alone had tons of little sub things I thought about. Lets just say, I had no cd player or movie player. Just a book for my entertainment from noon until 11pm. We all know how much I read. :) All these dreams of life and love are awesome, but I just wish I had someone to talk about them with.

The dreams people have for their lives are so extraordinary. Its such a shame so many get lost in the day to day hustle and bustle of life.

Ahh yes, and one final note for this ever long entry of mine. Whoever you are ('the one' that is) if you could just give me a call. :p ....Hehehe, caught myself dreaming again. =) *sigh*


P.S. I apologize if some parts don't make sense or if they go from one thought to another in the middle of a sentence. It may not be that late here in El Paso, but to me it is ALOT later. Plus I am a really crappy writer when it comes to conveying my thoughts and emotions so that only adds insult to injury. :)

9:41 p.m.
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