
Siezing Opportunities

Sometimes things happen in life that you just can't explain. They are so random that no one in their right mind could have ever predicted there occurence. You hope that these random life changing experiences are good experiences and not bad ones. As an example, a bad life changing experience would be a close friend dying suddenly. A good life changing experience would be....well, I'll let you think of one.

The point is, I just had one of these experiences. I really don't feel like typing the story out for multiple reasons. One its long and two I like to see the expression on people's faces when I tell the story (or hear the gasp over the phone). For instance when I told my mom the story, I could hear her washing dishes. When I got to a certain part of the story I could definitely hear the dishes clank and fall into the sink as my mom went into a brief moment of shock. When I told dad the story he didn't believe it at first. When I assured him the story was true I asked if I could have a car now. He said all things are certainly negotiable at this point. :) Yes, this event is

Wanna know what happened up here at big old Purdue to boring ol' me? Well, gimme a call. You know the number. Or you can wait until I get back home for Christmas. I won't be able to see any of you and not tell this story. Its too...erm...out of the ordinary to keep to myself. :)

Anyway, I hope everyone else is having a most eventful life. I just watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban a dozen times since it has been playing on channel 2 non-stop all week. John and I even taped it so that now we have a perfect copy of the movie on VHS.


1:39 a.m.
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