
Mrs. K

Time for a good 'ol fashioned update.

I have officially removed band from my schedule next semester. I have also officially removed Computer Technology as a minor. I think I am gonna keep it OLS and Communications from here on out. Now, whether I do band next fall....I am gonna decide whether or not to do that based on how bad the cold turkey is next semester. :)

I just spent a good half hour talking with Mrs. K on im. She is such a cool lady. I catch myself telling her more about college life than I tell my mom. I dunno, mom and I have just have different kinds of conversations. We talk about how I am doing and stuff like that. Mrs. K. and I talk about life in general and how we are all doing. Its a deeper conversation. I like it. She offers this insight on life from an adult prospective to help me make my life better as a small little college student that has barely lived. I think she could write a book. "Mrs. K.: A story of life" And oh my goodness she is such a behind the scenes leader. When I say that I mean the kind of leader that does incredble amounts of work and receives very little credit for it. My goodness, if getting into heaven is based on "good works" that lady is in for sure!

Well, that is all.


1:55 p.m.
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