
Life at this moment

These past few days have really pushed me to my limits. I know I have been really snippy towards a bunch of people. I know I have probably been a b17c4 to be around. I apologize. At least you can rest assured I will never be doing this again. :)

Its so hard being single and lonely. I am learning one thing about myself, I don't wanna be single for the rest of my life. Everyone around me says to enjoy being single and blah blah. Not me, having no one to turn to, no one to talk to, no shoulder to lean on, no teammate in life... :( Yes, teammate for the game of life. Never thought of it like that. I kinda like. You may hate your teammate sometimes, but at least you know you'll be there for each other during the whole game. I don't know who's quote this is, but it definitely rings true (and if its no ones quote then I claim it!) "You can have all the success in the world, but without love it means nothing."

You know I could go on and on and on with that paragraph, but I shall spare you all. I know you probably don't care so on to better things.

Oh oh, better things like...I have to wake up at 6:45 in the morning tomorrow...and Sunday...BOOOO!!


9:25 p.m.
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