
Death on a stick

Today was both an AMAZING day and a TERRIBLE day. I seriously had one of the single biggest accomplishments of my life today. If there is something that will get me that RA job, I think this is it. At the same time,though, from 8:30 in the morning until 1:15am the next morning (thats now) I have not stopped moving. I have had two hours of break all day. One 1 hour break in the morning and one 1 hour break in the afternoon. Those one hour breaks...those were lunch and dinner (no breakfast today for me). Pretty sick eh? Oh, and guess what. I even missed The Apprentice. Yeah, it was that crazy. I hope that illustrates how much I am not exagerating how crazy this day has been.

In closing, never take 20 hours along with being a member of clubs and blah blah...*collapses*......


1:14 a.m.
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