
A good Apprentice Day

So tonight for the first time I had the chance to sit down and watch The Apprentice. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to connect with the contestants. I was so connected to last seasons that I wasn't sure I had room for more. Ohhhh, were my doubts turned upside down. I've got plenty of room for these guys. Hahaha, the addiction has totally kicked back into full gear. Thursday can't come soon enough!

One negative thought for today: PLEASE DON'T TRIM YOUR NAILS AND LEAVE LITTLE NAIL PIECES OVER THE FLOOR!!! Yeesh, this is a serious pet peve that I never knew I had. Whoever my future lifelong buddy is, just know that clipping your nails onto the floor equals Jason leaves FOREVER!

On a lighter note. You know what is one of the greatest things in the world? When your clothes are RIGHT out of the dryer and you wrap yourself all in them. I swear, for that split second there is not a thing wrong in the world. Everything is warm and snuggly. Sadly, after a good 15 seconds it all goes away and the clothes are normal temperature. :(

Well folks have a great one!


P.S. A big sorry to Margaret. I know you IMed me, but I was watching ER. Terribly sorry. Next time I see ya I promise to IM. :)

9:51 p.m.
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