
News Anchor at Aimee's

I have really been struggling with your final question Beagle. I think that I have always strived so hard to be my own person and carve my own path that I can't identify myself with anyone. Maybe I just don't totally comprehend what you are asking, but in terms of who I think I can relate myself to best I really have no clue. A girl named Aimee is like a female version of me... Maybe that is who I relate to most in terms of personality. I think that the person I relate to best and identify to the most that is famous would be Cori from Boy Meets World. We both just have so much in common. :)

Now, for eighth grade I know exaclty who I relate best too. I would identify best with the main character from the movie October Sky. I launched rockets in my spare time and struggled with many of life's questions all while growing and learning at an incredibly fast pace.

I gave out three congressional medals today. Yay!! :p

I think my computer has a virus. Some toolbar called ISEARCH now appears on internet explorer and randomly little advertisements pop up and cover the screen. Some of them are not the most family oriented advertisements either. I have no clue how I got this thing either. I am always VERY careful about downloading and everything. Plus, I would consider myself rather proficient in computers and protecting myself against silly viruses. I think since I gave Eric an account on my computer that maybe he might be responsible.

Well folks that concludes this entry. Have a super fabulous most incredibly awesome day! Now go jump in the pool!!


*Jason walks away as the camera pulls back and brings the massive pool party into full view just in time to see Taylor Coppage do a HUGE cannonball* *Credits begin rolling with theme music playing in the background while you see lots of cool people partying and swimming at Aimee's*

11:15 p.m.
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