

I feel so violated. Like my inner most thoughts have suddenly been thrusted outward and shown to the world for all to see.....umm, hi Steven and Lindsy. :)

For goodness sakes can we get some standardization in here! I know a LindsEy, LindsAy, and a Linds_y. Personaly I think that LindsEy is the best way to spell it.

Holy tarnations that was the funniest musical I have ever seen. By jimminy that little Russian dude was the funniest I gone done ever seen!

Rachel is the cutest girl ever. Ben may think some Irish chick is good looking and Weg may think some girl in Florida or Ohio is the best, but no one can top the Rachel. Boo Yah!

These last few days have been nothing but non-stop summer. That translates into fun, fun, fun, and holy smokes more fun. May the fun never cease as long as I shall live.

A kiss, a kiss, oh what is in a kiss? Sometimes I feel like Courage the Cowardly Dog. Jenna Thorton (edited to protect the innocent) made me blow up a soccer ball and made fun of me. :( Jenna, you have inspired me...errr Hehehe, you'll just never know. :) (This is for the West Lafayette Gang)

Ben, Weg, and I saw a UFO. Well ok, it was a blimp. BUT it sure looked like a UFO!

Life just isn't the same after you have been hit on by gay guys...ummmmmmm, yeah. I am now working at the movie theatres and never getting off shift. That way I never have to see Troy with the 4 gay guys.

Man all these cool pictures makes me want to take my camera to the movies and take pictures of scary, but really funny gay guys, moms screaming the f-word at me, and the news anchor for News Channel 5 buying 20 things from me and then asking for a million quarters for his grandkids. Did I mention Faith Hill and Tim Magraw(sp?)


Don't you see it folks? All the summer craziness has begun! I LOVE IT! Holy crap life is so great. *Points finger to the sky and yells "Brilliant" at the top of his lungs with Ben*...*sigh* I think I'm in love...


P.S. Captain Beagle, forget you I have not. Your final question shall be answered in good time. I simply am not feeling very....serious right now. Hence, the final answer is delayed until further entries are made.

P.S.S. My abs hurt. :p I laughed really hard tonight for extremely long periods of time. If I see Shrek 2 this week then I think I may pull an ab...can you do that?

P.S.S.S. Aimee Cole, if you made it this far in my entry. You ROCK. As a token of my appreciation I bless you with good juju and the ability to do super well on all your exams. Plus, I grant you the ability to withstand all the craziness that parents, siblings, and other such people may hurl at you.

P.S.S.S.S. If you actually made it this far in my entry and read the whole thing please leave me a note. I want to give you a congressional medal for your outstanding reading skills. If you read this far and don't leave a note and I find out then I am going to get Jared Box, my presidential body guard, to come after you. Be afraid, be VERY afraid!

P.S*infinite. THE END

11:46 p.m.
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