

This is the first time I have been on the computer for 4 days now! Boy, have I been REALLY busy.

Hoffman or Frenchman? my good buddy Homestar would say, "Sid Hoffwenchman".

If I could write about one change in the world that I would make (I hope this is what your question was asking) I would change people's outlook on life. Instead of people getting stuck in rutts and thinking they can't get out, instead of people getting down on themselves thinking things could never get better, instead of people being constantly depressed...I would give them hope. I would want to change their outlook and show them the truth of the matter and how things are never so bad that its beyond repair.

With whom do you identify most at this point in your life and was that the same person you identified most with 5 years ago? Goodness that is a good question! I know growing up I identified best with Ozzie Smith, shortstop for the St. Louis Cardinals. Not sure why. I mean really we have nothing in common, but he was my hero and to me we were one in the same. Now, who did I identify with best 5 years ago? Hmmm, that would have been 8th grade. You know, I need to think about this. I am being yelled at by mom to go clean the floor of my room. (yay for being back from college....) So, To Be Continued...


10:36 a.m.
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