
Would you like some humble pie with that?

Title: Would you like some humble pie with that?

This summer will not be nearly as fulfilling in terms of work. Nothing can compare to Mountain TOP. I really wish I could go back. I just can't though. zzzzzzzzz

So today I got a job. I will be working at the movie theatre. I didn't start panicing about my summer job until I got turned down by CompUSA. Boy was that a good ol fashion humbling. Here I am thinking I am good enough to get into CompUSA and that will just be my easy job if I can't get another. Heh, I needed a nice reality check.

So Rachel was tossing around the idea of working there too. Hmmm, I guess we'll either not notice each other, kill each other, or just get along fine. I know that if the answer is number 3 then it sure will make going to work a million times more bearable. God forbid I might actually look forward to going to rip ticket stubs! *Gasp* My neighbor met his future wife when they were both working at Target. :p

*Starts humming the theme song to The Apprentice*.....*Money, Money, Money, Moooooney*...*High Pitched Voice.."Moooney"*


11:25 p.m.
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