
Little Interview

Why don't you update much anymore Jason?

Hmm, dunno. Just been kinda living lately. Well, actually I think I have been more living in my little dream world more than anything else.

What have you been up to?

Well really I have just been trying my best to get good grades. I really have to work hard to get them. They honestly don't come easy to me.

Whats been going on?

Lets see, I have been working and doing stuff. My room has become a make out room, but that is only when I am gone. They aren't so bad when I am there now. :)

What are you doing right now?

I am listening to Hoobastank. They are coming to our outdoor auditorium for a free concert so I am finding out who they are. So far so cool. :)

Anything else you want to add?

Yeah sure. I wanna wish my mom a happy birthday. I made her a sweet mix cd. :)



8:44 p.m.
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