
I'm now a bitch

I walked into her office feeling quite nervous and prepared to accept defeat. I was still going to try though. Dad always says that it never hurts to ask. So I walk up and I tell her that I have a conflict with the band concert on April 24th. We talk and talk. I tell her that its important, really important. Its like a barmitzvah for piano players important. She nods and I can see that the far fetched anology got through to her. I am beginning to see a light. I quickly took advantage of my success. I told her I'd negotiate. I would do something to work off not being able to be there. She says that sounds fair. Oh, the light at the end of he tunnel is bright! She says "How about you make sure folders are put away after rehersal." Thats it?!, I think to myself. She ended by saying...and I quote..."Lets just say you are my bitch, but really I just want you to put folders away."

So basically when I should be receiving an F for missing a performance I am instead getting an A. The only price I had to pay....well I am now a bitch. :) Never thought I would say that....


4:15 p.m.
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