

There were two weekends I wanted to come home this semester. The first being Rachel's 18th Birthday and the second being her giant major important piano recital. Getting home for the b-day didn't work out so I then decided to instead just come home for my birthday. Today, however, I found out when our only two band concerts are...the weekend of my birthday and 2:30pm Saturday, April 24th, the day of Rachel's recital. If the concert had been on Sunday or any other day for that matter I would have been able to make it for the recital. Basically any other day in the entire calendar, except that one, would have worked!

I always keep myself motivated by looking ahead to the good things. Now my two big events, the things I have scribbled in big letters on the calendar, the things that randomly pop into my head and make me smile, are no more. Gone. Wiped away. All without a chance for survival.

You know if I find a way out of this pickle then either a) I received a miracle or b) I have persuasive skills that are the uber shit. I'm not much for bragging, but if I weasle my way out of this one then I am goooooooooood.


6:00 p.m.
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