

Today was about as normal as they come except that it had a hint of motivation and accomplishment hidden inside. I did a little cleaning and working while also watching a little comedy central and having a good laugh.

You know Donald Trump was on the Daily Show tonight. I really like that guy. He is Nah that word isn't what I am trying to think of. I dunno, I guess a piece of me aspires to be him. Ok, so like a hugemongous piece of me aspires to be him. He has this auroa about him and he just seems so abnormally nice. You know when I do strike it rich I am setting up trust funds for all my favorite organizations. Its going to be quite grand.It'll be like the old robber barron days. I wouldn't mind having Ford be synonymous with Rockefellar or Vanderbilt. Hehehe, oh my I think my dreams are getting out of control.

Hasta Lasagna everyone,

Jason<>< <----Smiles and winks in your direction

10:24 p.m.
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