
Maroon 5/Smile

I still listen to Maroon 5 and I still can't hear the lyrics. I got to thinking, much like I do everytime I hang up with someone, and I really don't hear the lyrics to any song. For instance Ben Kweller, I have no idea what the song Falling is about. I have no idea what any of his songs are about. Except maybe Cally. So what songs do I know the lyrics to? Well, I can't think of any. When I start listening to a song I may be able to start singing some of the words, but they aren't actually regestering as lyrics or sentences or statements. Instead they are just another instrument in the song. Weird!

I just want everyone out there to know I am a dork. Like a BIG dork. How do I know this? Well tonight I saw some candy in a little baggy on the ground right below my bed. Instead of jumping down out of my top bunk, picking it up, and jumping back into bed, I instead decided to just sort of lean off the bed and reach for it. So I leaned...and leaned...and leaned....until my little fingers finally grasped the baggy. By this time its basically just my one arm completely out stretched holding onto some sheets that is keeping me from falling off. Lailah comes over and starts laughing at me so naturally I started laughing too. I mean it was quite funny and all. Once I started laughing though my non-existent muscles just died. They seemed to crap out. So here I am basically hanging upside down off my bed and STUCK. I can't pull myself back up and I can't stop laughing. After a few minutes of laughing and crying from laughing so hard Gersh finally came over pushed me back up. Talk about a blood rush to the head! Hanging upside down for that long can't be good for you. Well my abs got a good workout from all the laughter. Moral of the story here kids is no fun unless you do a stupid thing every once in a while. Life would be way to boring if you always took the easy route. I enjoy making things hard. :) hehehehehe and I enjoy laughing even more!

SMILE thats all I have done. Its so much fun.

That hanging upside down fiasco is going to be one of those memories that sticks with me for life. I seriously will look back at college and be like "oh yeah thats the time I hung upside down for like 2 minutes for a simple piece of candy."

I love college and its freedom.

And lastly. I wish when I spoke there could be music behind my words. That would make talking so much cooler. For instance I started giving this big speech and Remember the Titans theme music started playing behind me. Yeah I wish life had theme music to go with it.

All this Maroon 5 is making me all musicy feeling. Lol, this guy just stopped in and was like "Dude is that Maroon 5! I love those guys! By the way where were you Saturday night I came by your room to see if you wanted to watch Clue, but you weren't in." This kid obviously has style. :) I concede though, Rachel was right. The guy does sound like Justin Timberlake. And yes they are loved by thousands of screaming mindless teenagers. True I am prbably losing brain cells listening to them. Thats ok though. As long as I don't loose too many cells. ;) My english, spelling, and writing abilities can't get much worse anyway...right? hehe

Have a wondermous rest of the day evening or afternoon or morning or whatever time of day it is where you are when you read this...


P.S. All spelling and gramatical errors within this document are hereby blamed on Maroon 5. Please refer all complaints to them. Thanks.

P.S.S. If words are missing one letter then please don't refer those comments to Maroon 5. Those are in fact not their fault. I blame those mistakes on my wireless keyboard's batteries inability to stay charged. Thanks, again.

11:57 p.m.
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