

Wow you can learn alot about a person by reading their IM profile. I just went down the list of everyone on my buddy list. Quite interesting to say the least.

So I posed Aimee with the "If an asteroid were to strike the earth..." question and she simply replied. "Today is not a good day." Lol So here is what I told the asteroid..."Hop in line pal, we have alot of celestial objects waiting to strike the are just going to have to take a number and we will get to you as soon as we can" lololol I dunno if anyone else out there is laughing, but I thought that was hysterical. Ahh, I make myself laugh so much!

Well the temp hit zero for like an hour today. After that however it went right back to where it came from...the NEGATIVES. It was around negative two 90% of the day. The low tonight is negative seven. BRRRRRRR I wish it was 17 like it is Bowling Green!!! ;)

Have a wondermous evening and day tomorrow. I am off to some leadership conference. We'll see how that goes....


10:24 p.m.
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