

I would just like to thank my 8th grade art teacher for empowering me with the ability to draw basic stick figures. Without her I don't know where I would be today. Probably Birthday Cardless. :)

I forgot that my birthday was coming up. Mom called today and was all "Nana needs to know what you want, now!" Aparently grandma will be leaving the beach soon and that means she will be leaving the outlet malls. I told her to just surprise me. I dunno what I want. Little kids ask for a pony, I think this year for my big gift I am going to ask for a space shuttle. Yeah I always wanted to go to the moon.

Today I went to this big ol Leadership conference. It was mondo cool. The speakers were amazing. This one guy's class thingy I went to he talked about entrepreneurship; how to start a business and all. It seems so easy and so hard at the same time......I think I could do it. :) How does an Internet Cafe sound? They need one in Brentwood.

*Raises Glass* "And may you two live the most fairytale of lives"...


9:15 p.m.
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