
The Bar

So yeah. I guess basically it was a hormone attack. Some teenager thing. Physicalities were in the air. When the wind wasn't blowing it actually felt decent outside and I see all these couples walking around and such. A piece of me wants that. I can't help it.

And for the love of pete would you people please stop telling me I need a girlfriend. Yes, I am QUICKLY becoming the only single guy left. Thanks, I noticed. I don't mind it though. If someone rolls around then I won't hesitate, but no one compares. You show me someone who is as cool, as deep, as funny, cares as much, listens as well, has as good a taste in music, loves band, goes canoing, and doesn't mind a move to Australia or New Zealand, and then of course I will give it a shot.

I'm sorry did I set the bar too high? I miss Rachel...


11:59 p.m.
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