

Stayed up to late again. So whats new. Its becoming a habit of mine. MUST BREAK THE CYCLE! I think if I take this 6am job it might shock me into changing my sleeping habits. On the other hand, if that still doesn't change me then I will be in deeeeeeep trouble. Ahh well. Who cares. :)

Also I really liked Beagles thing tonight on what unconditional love is.


some may wonder about the joy of in, what joy is there in it? i can tell you it is in this:

tonight, i will seek her out, lie my head in her lap and say

"honey, i was an idiot today."

and she will likely say, and mean

"that's okay, i still love you anyway,"

no matter the details and unconditionally.


Two people that are there for each other no matter what. Nothing can stop them. Nothing can break them. They are so in love that nothing can come between them.


.....I am such a hopeless romantic sometimes. Sorry, I guess I'm just the only guy in the world who wants to fall madly in love to the tune of a good love story. Bah, I sound retarded.

12:44 a.m.
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