
The Script

Its update time baby!

So here is what is up...

I have been offered two jobs at the radio station. One starts at 6:00 a.m. in the morning and the other is a weekend job. The weekend one will be a piece of cake. On the other hand that 6 in the morning one during weekdays....that would be interesting! I'll think about. They don't need an answer until February.

In other news we had a sleepoer last night. In theory it sounds like lots of fun. In practice, having Gersh and his girlfriend in stevens little pull out bed was maybe a not so great idea. Things only got PG-13 a few times. Certainly no R I hope. Doesn't matter, I sure as heck couldn't see thankfully. Without those glasses you can just go ahead and count me as a blind man. I forgot what the doc said a while back, but I remember it was something like what you see over 1,000 feet away I have to be 20 feet away. Ummm, yeah. Thats sad.

I can't write my next paragraph up here because of who reads this. Just know that I am frustrated. hehehehe I only have half the problem solved. Hey, half is better than none right?

Well thats all I feel like putting up here for now. Till next time, I miss Rachel alot.


7:25 p.m.
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