

I know one kid who probably feels four thousand pounds lighter tonight. Probably even more than that! Let me be the first to say that she has more guts than anyone I know. Anyone. Well ok, I think maybe I exagerated. Still though, it takes guts to put your feelings out there. You never know what you will get back!

Today dad and I went Christmas shopping. We drew up a list of what we wanted to get everyone, figured out exactly where to go to get each item, and then did all our shopping as fast as possible. We spent only a couple hours and finished ALL (that is no exageration!) our Christmas shopping. We were two very proud guys when all was said and done. Although aparently we missed "Guys Only" day at the mall. The check out lady said all guys got a discount on everything they bought that day. We were bummed we had missed the sale. Penny pinching is what we are all about!

How can I sum up this evening? How about ...The Kernodles are the coolest....yup that does it. :)

Ok, this is the stupidist thing I have ever heard. My regards go out to the McGregor family and I mean no disrespect, BUT WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!! Will McGregor, a kid I went to school with from second grade until graduation, was out partying last night when him and his girlfriend got in an argument. His girlfriend got so mad she hopped in her car and ran him over. Sadly she took Will's life. I'd be willing to bet some alcohol and other chemicals were involved. I can't imagine someone doing this in full sanity. You know this sort of thing just really irks me. Mostly because my little brain can't comprehend it all. I just don't understand how you could be so stupid.


1:25 a.m.
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