
Long, but good

May I just say that the picture of the kid in the santa hat from my previous entry was simply adorable. Sure he was bummed out, but he was the cutest bummed out kid ever! :)

Yesterday at 5:30 in the morning I roled out of bed and hopped on a bus. At 9:00 something I woke back up and had an Egg McMuffin. At 2:00 I was sitting in the Cedar Point parking lot and acting like a five year old about to head downstairs and see the christmas tree on christmas morning. Needless to say that by 11:00 p.m., when all was said and done, my day had rocked!! Some people, when they get on roller coasters, get all jittery and scared. I absolutely LOVE them. Probably a little too much. :) When there was no line we would just hop off and high tail it back to the entrance and get right back on. When I say 'we' I am referring to a kid named Eric and I. I don't know much about this guy except that he is a nuclear engineer and he loves roller coasters as much as I do. Together we definitely made the most out of our day at the number one roller coaster theme park in the WORLD. No joke!

I still can't put my finger on what it is that is makeing me all, blah, but I'm working on it. Yesterday was like the perfect motivation to just be happy.

Ok, so I have this "no physicalites until later in a relationship" philosophy that Gersh and Steven have been picking up on. Well, last night one of the main reasons behind the philosophy became aparent to them. The three of us on the bus ride home were surrounded by couples all falling asleep together and all that stuff, and of course it brought back memories from high school of all those band trips and such. Needless to say my memories and their memories are are about as different as night and day. All these memories of physicalities came back to them and by george they missed them. Steven even asked me if it was alright to have a girlfriend just for physicalities until he met someone for real. NOOO YOU STUPID.....FUHOGAWHAGAD!!! I think he got my drift. The point is, look what all that high school stuff has done to them. Now its all coming back and they want it again. Oooops, they can't. They are all alone and it definitely takes two to tango. Hopefully now they will learn and move on. Sadly, I don't know if there is all that much hope for them. Physicalities are a one way street with very few exit ramps. Gersh I think could hop off, but Steven, well he is a different story. I'm just glad I am me.

The couple sitting in front of me on the bus ride was so nice. The two of them looked to be sophmores or juniors or some combination of the two. I did notice that they both had rings on. They were definitely engaged. Whoah, mucho scary. Not for them, but for the fact that stuff like that is so not far away. You know what I mean? The day is fast approaching when some of my older buddies could start getting married. How weird is that!

I am going to go ahead and be five. They still have plenty of time before they have to grow up and do all sorts of big kid stuff. Adios Amigos!


P.S. While leaving a McDonalds Steven swears he heard some lady ask him if he would have her baby for her. He also swears that I said we were all walking talking babe meters. We are are taking him in to get his ears checked tomorrow afternoon.

P.S.S. "Don't you hate it when you're friends don't update? I updated...can I be your friend?" - Banner above this entry box

12:06 p.m.
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