
Blim Blim

Dave Mathews is blaring through my speakers and my secret is, well, making me really really happy!

I LOVE microwaveable Mac and Cheese!!

Tonight I decorated my trumpet in battery powered christmas lights. It was soooo sweet. I then marched in the homecoming parade tonight with my glowing trumpet. It was cold, overcast, and a bit misty, but who CARES!!! We all had so much fun just being ourselves and dancing in the rain with glowing trumpets!!!

Tomorrow is our big homecoming game against Illinois. Its gonna be a blast!!

Deep, intellectual conversations are soooo awesome. The conversations that push your beliefs. The kinds of conversations that stretch your norms and make you take a closer look at your values. I love being challenged. I love it when someone tries to destroy everything I hold to be true, and most of all I love it when that someone is the one that is walking away wondering how they could have ever been led to believe all those supposed truths.

Oh my goodness I am soo excited!!! The secret, AHHHH, its sooo soon!!!!!


Secret Countdown: AAACB

8:54 p.m.
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